Sunday, July 28, 2013

Le Rucher Mission Work

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing okay in the Missoula area. I heard about the fire in Frenchtown and I am praying that God will protect homes and families. I hear that it is really hot in Montana; I just want you to know that I feel your pain. It is so hot here everyday but it is much more humid than what I am used to. I have switched homes in France from the big city of Chambéry to the little village of Tutegny which is located near to the Swiss border by the Lake of Geneva (Lac Léman). I started this week with my missionary/volunteer work with Le Rucher Ministries. Le Rucher is a center for missionaries to come and debrief about their experiences that they had on the mission field. Le Rucher is also branched out all across the world being in Europe and Africa mostly to help other ministries in their community development. Once a month Le Rucher has a group of people who are going through the classes of debriefing and the other part of the month is consisted of traveling and focusing on the branches to other countries. The time that I am here for is set aside for the practical work around the “campus” which consists of a two buildings: one huge building that has 10+ bedrooms and a smaller house of which some of the staff lives in. There is also quite of bit of land that they have with lots of trees, grass, and bushes. Here are some pictures of Le Rucher and surrounding area.

The work that I have been doing for the last week contains of many different variety of jobs found inside and outside. I have pretty much deep cleaned the first floor and second floor of the main building which took a few days. I have been helping outside by tidying up the trees and bushes by sweeping the road, loading truck-fulls of branches, and some spring cleaning of the junk that gets collected after time. Now let me tell you about the people I am working with. Le Rucher has five staff members and this week there was only three out of the five here, a couple from Holland and a lady from Seattle. Then there is another couple from Holland who is volunteering also like me for two weeks. This couple, Hank and Janni, are just amazing! I love to joke around with them and play games at the end of the day with them. On Thursday, they took me out to dinner at a Pizzeria in a nearby town. We took our time with eating and greatly enjoyed our time with each other. Hank speaks English very well and Janni does not but this does not stop her mother like actions towards me. The love between this couple is great to see and I am honored to work beside them. Here is a few photos of them.

The other couple who is on staff are named Eric and Jeljte. They started Le Rucher 20 years ago and have been working as missionaries for 30+ years. On Friday night they cooked me a very beautiful and yummy dinner that lasted as long as a typical French dinner. We laughed and talked for 3 hours about anything and everything. They shared with me their advice towards my life, past, present and future. I have greatly learned from them and I enjoy seeing the missionary heart that God has given them. I don’t have a photo of them at the moment but next week I will. Renee, the other staff member, has been working at Le Rucher for 17 years now. On Saturday, she took me to a small medieval town called Yvoire that is along the other side of the lake. It is very funny because on the way there we crossed in and out of France and Switzerland many times. Renee treated me to a wonderful lunch and we walked around the town looking through the shops for a few hours. It was a great way to spend the day even though it was very hot. Here are a few photos from the town.

Today I got to go to church that has service in English. In this area there are many different nationalities so it was great to go to a church that had Americans, Africans, Europeans, and really from everywhere! I loved the sermon and I was once again amazed of how God is so Omnipresent! Its beautiful to see people of other nations worshipping the same Lord as I do. This week I have had a lot of reflection time and prayer time. The people around has shown me complete acceptance and full love in such a quick period of time. I get the chance to sit and read my Bible for a few hours! How lovely has that been. I am trying to learn what it means to be a true defender of myself and my brothers and sisters of Christ when it comes to Spiritual Attacks. I’ve never really been in war and continually fight so I have been doing so with situations in my own life and the sickness in one of the ladies here. Its quite amazing to learn more about the life of being a Christian. I have been blessed by my home church’s podcast of the sermons. It has given me the opportunity to keep on growing and to feel connected to my church and to a few friends who also go to church or listen to the podcasts also.

My brother’s birthday is on Tuesday so I am sad that I won’t get to be home and celebrate with him. But soon my mom will be flying to France to join me in adventure of traveling around Normandy and the Loire Valley. I can’t believe that I will be back in Montana in less than three weeks. Just thinking about it my heart leaps for joy but my stomach falls in sadness. I can not think about it at the moment and I don’t need to! Until next week! I love you all!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Ending Followed by a Beginning

Hello everyone! It is Sunday morning and I am trying to write about my week before I have to go say goodbye to a few really close friends. I will get to this part a little later but lets first talk about last Sunday. It was July 14th which is “Prise de la Bastille” Day aka French Independence Day. So I celebrated the day by going to a close town called Annecy to watch some amazing fireworks over the lake that the town is found by. We got to the town pretty early so we had some hours to walk around the city. The first thing that I realized was all the people, tourists. But the second thing I realized was how beautiful the town was. There is a river that runs through it but size wise its not a big town therefore it feels like you are always by the water. I walked around with a friend named Sara who I hadn’t really met yet. The whole day we pretty much talked about our lives and our dreams for the future. After some ice cream and a packed dinner, we found our spot in a huge open grass park to watch the fireworks that lasted about 30 minutes! It was a beautiful show but it sure did make me miss home considering most of the time that I watch fireworks is with family and friends that I grew up with. Of course here are the photos from this day!

The next day was another one of my favorite days and embodied the adventurous side of me has came out this summer. I went rock climbing, “via ferreta”. We went to the mountain that is close to Chambéry and that is on the side of the lake so we got some beautiful views! The hike up to the rock was pretty steep and long but we were all in high spirits so it went fast. When we got to the rock our guide, Thiery, decided that I was going to go first so next thing I was strapped up to the cord and climbing onto the rock. Its not as hard as I thought it was going to be mostly because they have feet and hand things already put out and you don’t have to find any holes to climb. While we were on the rock I felt like I wasn’t actually on a rock that went straight down and really far down. We were able to see lots of mountains and the lake. The best part was there wasn’t any trees in the way and it felt like I could reach out and touch the lake. Here are a few photos of the day.

On Tuesday we had a special dinner on the Lac du Bourget. This was such a bitter-sweet moment because it meant that it was about time to start saying goodbye. But it was such a beautiful ride on the lake being able to see the sunset. We had a great French dinner, wine, and café. This was probably one of my last legit French dinners considering I don’t really know what I will be eating when I get to my mission work. So I was able to do some dancing on the top of the boat with some dear friends of mine. Great conversation with my two Mexican sisters. It was really nice to see everyone dress up and enjoy each others company. My photos of the night follow.

Wednesday. I finally got to have a BBQ for the first time this summer! Okay. I take that back but it was in the park and we played games such as volleyball and ultimate frisbee. We ate chicken and sausage. Its not really different from the food back at home because the BBQ’s I have consist of food the doesn’t cost much at all. We swam in the lake some and then went to wait for the bus. But as we were waiting for the bus, a huge storm came upon us. We got drenched and waited in the storm for about 20 minutes for the bus! But it gave us one more adventure together, so I enjoyed it very much. Thursday I didn’t do much other than hang out with friends and talk about the adventures we had together. This is when I realized how much I am going to miss my friends that have became my family. My wine Wednesday crew: Avery, Erin, Stewart, Adam, Gabby, and Nora. My Barcelona girls: Breanna and Wendy. My French class helper: Madison. My fellow future teachers: Kayla and Scott. My Mexican girls: Nora and Jacky.

In class on Friday we did a scavenger hunt in the town of Chambéry which was a great way to finish up the courses and my time here. Friday night consisted of saying goodbyes, packing, and hanging out with friends. Saturday we went up the mountain in our town and sat in the sun waiting for the Tour de France to come by. It was such a beautiful but hot day in the sun. It was so much fun to hang with friends and exciting to see the cyclists come up the mountain. I am glad that I got to see the 100th Anniversary of the Tour de France. It went by really fast though. From front to end of the cyclists, it only took ten minutes or so to pass. Here are a few photos from the day.

Well today is the day that mostly everyone is leaving and so am I. I saw off a few people this morning at the train station and then I went to church. Now I am finishing off with my packing and cleaning (and of course, finishing this blog). I am heading to Geneva airport this afternoon and then from there I will be picked up by a lady from the Le Rucher Ministries. Le Rucher is in a small town called Cessy which is close to Gex. It is not far from where I have been for the last seven weeks, only a little bit north. I am not exactly sure what I will be doing but I know that I will be working with another group from Holland so it will for sure be an interesting two weeks. I would just like to ask prayers for my nerves that are going because I am going somewhere new. I will let you guys know more about my time in Le Rucher soon. I am not exactly sure if I will have steady internet but I am hoping so. So goodbye for now and I will post as soon as I am able to. Love you all!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two Months Done, One More To Go

Every weekend I look at the week that just passed and I continually think about how blessed I am to be here in France. I also have realized recently that I really love the region that I am in, Savoie. I have this feeling that I will come back here someday and maybe even live here for a longer period of time. The people that are from here remind me so much of the people I grew up with. I walk around the town and I see lots of families enjoying life to its fullest by just being with each other. I am really starting to get used to the everyday life here and I would be very much tempted to stay if I had a bigger apartment here and if I didn’t have so many things going for me back in Montana. I just got back from church for the third time since being here in Chambéry and I feel energized spiritually for the near future. God has been really growing some vision for next semester at my university ministries, Chi Alpha. I feel this urgency for the students that I will be meeting and friends that I already have. This feeling comes from a fact that has recently became true; the fact that I won’t be spending Spring semester 2014 at UM. This means that I only have one more semester at my school and I feel like there is so much more to do than what is possible to do in one semester. This is where I let God do His thing and as long as I am obedient, there will be success.

On Tuesday I went to Lyon after class. Lyon is the biggest city in this area of France so I was super excited to see what everyone was talking about. We got there by taking a bus and man was it hot! I was absolutely miserable for the first hour as we were walking around. We climbed up the hill slowly and came upon some Roman ruins. There was a big huge amphitheater that is still used today for musical and theatrical performances. This park overlooked Lyon and the view was just gorgeous! There were tons of little kids outside playing games and goofing off. I was told that it was like a day camp for them in that area. We then made our way up to the church which had the most amazing paintings inside. It was a bummer though for me because it was full of tourists and I wasn’t able to have a quiet time inside. But luckily this church is on top of the hill so we got to see the BEST view of Lyon. Then we ventured down into the town and went through the smallest “streets” of France. Lyon is very well known for these streets. Thankfully, it started to cool down for the day so we just walked around town discovering the feel and daily life of the Lyonnais people. Then we finished off the day with an amazing Lyonnais (Lyon specialty food) dinner. Here are a few photos from the day.

The next day, Wednesday, I had signed up to go to a wine tasting. So a group of us went to “Cave à Vin” and tasted five different wines. Of course I loved everyone of them but I realized that I prefer red over white and rosé. I felt so French when I realized that I was drinking wine, eating cheese and bread, and talking in French. I had such a great night talking to people about their futures and what they want to do with their lives. Here is a photo of the wines that we tried. Don’t worry there were ALOT of us so each of us didn’t drink that much.

The next few days were relaxing because I had gotten a migraine so I needed to sleep to get rid of it. Friday evening I got with my friends and we celebrated two of my friends birthdays. Chambéry put on a “Feu d’Artifice” (fireworks) show so we ventured up the hill and watched the fantastic show. This evening I was able to bound with a few more girls by telling them about my mistakes and faults in my life. After I did this, the girls have been able to open up to me more and more. It really hit me how much it makes a difference when I am vulnerable to my girl friends that they are able to trust me with their own mistakes and lives. God definitely created this aspect of being a human so He can redeem our lives and create beauty out of what we see is ugly. God is so good!

Yesterday, Saturday, I went to Chamonix which is a town that at the base of Mont Blanc which is the highest mountain in Europe. Mont Blanc is where the three countries of France, Switzerland, and Italy meet (but the tip is in France!). This town was very small but had such an amazing feeling to it. It felt like I was in a small town in Yellowstone but much more richy. We walked around the market for an hour or so and then got some lunch. Then we caught a train to the “Mer de Glace” which is a glacier. The view from the train was just gorgeous because we were climbing up a mountain! When we got to the top and to the glacier, I was amazed of the creation in front of me. Then we walked down ALOT of stairs and got to the glacier and walked in the caves that were made in the glacier. The ice was blue and it was cold. After spending over an hour we headed back to town and got some ice cream and just relaxed on a bridge. Again I was able to just enjoy the company of my friends around me. Here are a few photos from the day.

Well its officially one month from today until I arrive back in Montana with my mom. I cannot believe I have been out of the United States for two months already. This is my last week of classes here in Chambéry and then I must say goodbye to my friends that I had made the last 7 weeks. After that I will be heading to do my missionary work at Le Rucher in Cessy, France. I am so excited to do this work and its making it easier to say goodbye to Chambéry and my friends. I hope you enjoyed the photos and my stories. Until the next time! I love you all, my family and friends.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Trip to Barcelona!

Hello everyone! I can’t wait to tell you all about my long weekend in Barcelona. We left Chambéry on Thursday after class which was the Fourth of July. First we took a bus to the Lyon Airport and then after waiting in the airport for a while we jumped on an hour flight to Barcelona. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when heading to Barcelona. Spain seemed so mysterious to me because I hadn’t learned much about its history and I hadn’t heard much about the country. Little did I know that I would love Spain so much and specifically the Catalonia region which is where Barcelona is located. Here are a few small facts that I learned about Spain, Catalonia, and Barcelona over the last few days. The primary languages is not Spanish but Catalan which is a mix between Spanish and French. It is legal to be completely naked anywhere as long as you have shoes one. Catalonia wants to separate from Spain and become its own country. Having bull fights is hated in the area and the last time they had a bull fight in Barcelona was two years ago which 95% of the attendees were tourists. The region is very accepting of the gay community. The people of Catalonia are very independent thinkers and are very accepting of tourism. The sand of the beach in Barcelona was imported from Egypt. Lots of interesting facts that I learned and I was only there for three days.

I went with two other girlfriends and we stayed in a hostel that was very close to some of the tourist sites. We decided to buy a three day metro pass so it was very easy to get around the city. On the first day we went to the Church of the Sacred Family and that is where I got my first look at the work of the great Gaudi. The church was just absolutely beautiful and its not done yet and won’t be done till 2024, I believe. Gaudi had died while building it and all of his plans of the church got destroyed. So since Gaudi, there have been artists who have came up with some mock plans of the building. One face of the churcj portrays the Nativity scene, another tells the story of the Passion of Christ. Inside was very beautiful. Gaudi was inspired mostly by nature and you could tell. After the church we ate at a buffet and then headed to Gaudi’s Casa Batlló. What a beautiful house. Its so hard for me to even explain the house because it was like nothing I had ever seen. While I was in the house, I felt like I was under the sea. The outside was inspired by a dragon that was taking over a castle but had a sword in it. Then we walked down to the beach to check it out. This is where we got our first glimpse of the neudity that Barcelona is so famous for. Then we made it to the park and saw a beautiful fountain that was also created by Gaudi. This fountain reminded me a lot of Italy for some reason. Here are a few photos of the day of Friday.

So the next day we took a free bike tour around Barcelona. Man was this an amazing way to explore the city especially because it was free! I learned lots of fun facts and was able to ride a bike around. After this we went to Gaudi’s other house called Casa Mila, nicknamed La Padrera. This house is not seen as big of a beauty as the other but it definitely had its own charm to it. The roof was the best part of it. It was not like any roof I had seen because it has lots of different shapes and it was HUGE! Again the house was influenced by nature and more specifically the sea. After the visit we stopped at Zara, a clothing store, real quick and I got a dress because we were going to go see Carmen. This was absolutely amazing and I am so thankful that the girls I went with didn’t mind going to this Ballet Flamenco. I had never seen a full performance of Flamenco so it was a great treat for me. Probably one of my favorites and we ended up sitting in amazing seats because there weren’t very many people in the theatre. Here are a few photos of this day.

Our last day in Barcelona was filled with shopping, eating, walking, and the beach. We didn’t have a lot of plans and it was mostly a day of relaxation. It was on Sunday night that we realized that we did not have enough time in the city to see every thing that we wanted to. We were so bummed about our last night but we spent it on the street of Las Ramblas sipping on sangrias and laughing and just enjoying life. This weekend was definitely one of my biggest highlights of my summer. I can not wait till I go back to Barcelona some day and explore other parts of Spain.

I have been in Europe for a little over seven weeks and I have around five weeks left before I head back to Montana. I only have two more weeks of classes and then I will have to say goodbye to friends that I have met here. I am not looking forward to this because I have met a lot of new people that I love as friends greatly. I know that it won’t be goodbye forever to the friends that I am closest to but I refuse to think about this too much. I’m not exactly sure what is to come this week but I know that I will try to spend as much time as possible with the people that are around me. I hope that everyone is enjoying their July. Till the next time!