Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Switzerland Sibling Success

Bonjour from la Suisse (Switzerland)! Right now I am sitting in the Chillon Castle waiting for our boat ride back to Lausanne. My brother, Abe, and I just spent 3 hours learning about the Savoie Family who lived here and all over the region which is called Savoie. This was very interesting to me because the town I will be living in for the next 6 weeks is the 'capital' of the region Savoie in France. I learned so much French History today that I now understand why travel and experiences are the BEST way to learn. Yesterday, we got here and walked around downtown Lausanne. You can tell that the Swiss people love to enjoy life. We saw lots of people playing soccer, dining, and drinking. We even went to the carnival! After the rest of our day here, tomorrow we will be heading to Bern, Switzerland. Abe is very excited to show me around the town and I am ready to experience what he's been talking about for the last year! I would like to share a photo put together of the views from the castle and inside the castle.

I forgot to tell you that a few days ago I got to spend a whole day wandering and discovering Chambéry which is the town my school is at. I found a beautiful big park that I think will be great to have quiet time and prayer time with God. But I couldn't find the church that I want to go to. So I am going to ask for prayers that this Sunday I am able to find the church! Thanks so much everyone and don't forget that traveling is good for the sole so try to go somewhere this summer!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

le meilleur lieu : Provence

I am writing on Thursday night from the rental in Ansouis with the British News on in the background (luckily Europe looks at what happens in the USA). First of all, I am doing well. I have had the chance to relax by eating, reading, and biking around the town. I can't believe that this time last week I was studying/taking finals. Why does the University take SO long to post the final grades?!? I am trying to sum up the last three days in a few thoughts and it is very very hard so I think I will share my top two highlights of each day.

On Tuesday, it was my dad's birthday so I planned a special morning for us. After a night of no sleep for me, we left at 7 am and went on a run around a lake called Etang de la Bonde. We ended up running for two miles and I only stopped once! I am pretty sure he was pleased with the planned run. My other favorite part of the day started at 7:45 p.m. with a toast, Champagne in hand, to my dad and his celebration of birth. Then, we had reservations to a restaurant called La Closserie which was only a few doors down from our place. WOW! What a meal! I enjoyed some sort of bacon and coffe concoction which was green, an amazing risotto with a tomato sauce, tasty wild shrimp and vegetables, and a strawberry sorbet. The amazing staff surprised us all by putting a candle in my dad's dessert for his birthday. Two and a half hours later we finished off our cafés and walked back. What a 'legit' French meal that was! Below is a photo to a nearby market and a photo of my dad with his birthday dessert.

Wednesday my brother, aunt, and uncle went to Marseille and enjoyed the city for the day. We took 'le Petit Train' to the church on top of the hill called Notre Dame de la Garde. The most amazing views of the city was up there. I got the chance to buy my first Bible in French. I got the New Testament and Psalms and I am very excited to use this in the next months to come. Below is a photo of of my aunt and me in front of the church and a photo of the view of Marseille from the church.

And today, Thursday, was a special day in itself because I got to tour the castle in the small town we are staying in, 'Château d'Ansouis'. The owners of the castle brought our group through the castle. This castle was originally built in the Middle Ages and then another castle was built right by it in the 17th century. But then in the 18th century, the two castles were joined together into one. Did I mention that the whole tour was in French and I had to translate for the family? You could never guess that the castle is the highest point in the immediate area so we got some more amazing views. I rate this castle as high as Versailles in Paris and it was spectacular to learn about and see the fashion of Provence. My other favorite part of today (and all week) is riding the bikes around the area. My dad and I have gone out on quite a few expeditions to explore the area and we have found some very tranquil places. Exactly what you would think of the 'campagne', countryside, of France. Below are photos taken from the castle.

Pretty soon I will part ways from the parentals and thinking about this gets me a bit nervous. Prayers would be great for lessening these worries. I want you to remember, even though I am in a different continent, I am ALWAYS here for you. I am just a facebook message away, an email away, or a skype call away so contact me and I will help as much as possible. Well, I hope you enjoyed my update. Au revoir!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Arrivée à France

Bonjour tout le monde! I arrived in France yesterday, Sunday May 19, after a long day of traveling in airplanes (four different flights).  Sadly, I was super sick the whole time so I didn't get to catch up on any reading or studying my French. I was picked up in Marseille by my dad and step-mom and then we waited for my brother.  Then we drove to our 'maison' which is in Ansouis, France (about an hour from Marseille). The place is beautiful and very French. I will be here till Saturday, enjoying the beautiful small town, the castle that is in town, and going to the store next door to get 'pain au chocolat'. Today is going to be a very relaxing day because I slept in till two in the afternoon!!! Tomorrow morning, my dad and I will go on a run for his birthday around a lake called Étang de la bonde and stop at a little café. We have plans to rent a few bikes and discover the area, go into Marseille to tour the city, and many more things! It is nice to speak French but I can't wait to be fully immersed.

Here are a few photos that I took last night of Ansouis. I hope you enjoy and I will keep updating when I have the time.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Getting Ready to Say Goodbye

Bienvenue! Welcome to my blog that I am putting together for you (my friends and family) to see what I will be doing this summer in France/Europe. For those of you who didn't really know that I was leaving, here are my plans. I will be leaving Montana May 18 and getting back August 14. The first two weeks I will be spending time with my dad, step-mom, brother, and other family in Marseille which is southern France. Then my family will leave and I will head to a town called Chambéry, which is located in the Alps. Here is where I will start a six week course at the Université de Savoie. During the six weeks I will get many opportunities to travel in France, Switzerland, and Italy. After my French classes are done I will be heading to LeRucher to do some missionary/volunteer work. This is a retreat center for missionaries and I will be working on the grounds doing some cleaning, yard work, painting, and anything else they need help with. After my time there, I have a few days to go to whatever country I want to but I'm not sure which one yet. Then to finish off the summer, my mom will arrive in Paris and we will be touring around France mostly going to the Loire Valley and Normandy.

Getting ready to go has been challenging and stressful but very exciting! The thing that I am most looking forward to this summer is experiencing a whole new culture and meeting new friends. When I come back, I hope to be a changed person for the better and use the things that I learn from this experience in my everyday life. I would like to ask for some prayer on meeting other Christians while I am there and being able to enter into a community.

Don't forget I am leaving in two weeks so my phone will be off for all of summer and the best way to get a hold of me is Facebook, Email, Skype, or Facetime. I can't wait to share with you all about my experiences that I have. I just ask that you bare with me on my writing abilities! I will be posting photos.
