Monday, May 20, 2013

Arrivée à France

Bonjour tout le monde! I arrived in France yesterday, Sunday May 19, after a long day of traveling in airplanes (four different flights).  Sadly, I was super sick the whole time so I didn't get to catch up on any reading or studying my French. I was picked up in Marseille by my dad and step-mom and then we waited for my brother.  Then we drove to our 'maison' which is in Ansouis, France (about an hour from Marseille). The place is beautiful and very French. I will be here till Saturday, enjoying the beautiful small town, the castle that is in town, and going to the store next door to get 'pain au chocolat'. Today is going to be a very relaxing day because I slept in till two in the afternoon!!! Tomorrow morning, my dad and I will go on a run for his birthday around a lake called Étang de la bonde and stop at a little café. We have plans to rent a few bikes and discover the area, go into Marseille to tour the city, and many more things! It is nice to speak French but I can't wait to be fully immersed.

Here are a few photos that I took last night of Ansouis. I hope you enjoy and I will keep updating when I have the time.