Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Switzerland Sibling Success

Bonjour from la Suisse (Switzerland)! Right now I am sitting in the Chillon Castle waiting for our boat ride back to Lausanne. My brother, Abe, and I just spent 3 hours learning about the Savoie Family who lived here and all over the region which is called Savoie. This was very interesting to me because the town I will be living in for the next 6 weeks is the 'capital' of the region Savoie in France. I learned so much French History today that I now understand why travel and experiences are the BEST way to learn. Yesterday, we got here and walked around downtown Lausanne. You can tell that the Swiss people love to enjoy life. We saw lots of people playing soccer, dining, and drinking. We even went to the carnival! After the rest of our day here, tomorrow we will be heading to Bern, Switzerland. Abe is very excited to show me around the town and I am ready to experience what he's been talking about for the last year! I would like to share a photo put together of the views from the castle and inside the castle.

I forgot to tell you that a few days ago I got to spend a whole day wandering and discovering Chambéry which is the town my school is at. I found a beautiful big park that I think will be great to have quiet time and prayer time with God. But I couldn't find the church that I want to go to. So I am going to ask for prayers that this Sunday I am able to find the church! Thanks so much everyone and don't forget that traveling is good for the sole so try to go somewhere this summer!!