Saturday, May 4, 2013

Getting Ready to Say Goodbye

Bienvenue! Welcome to my blog that I am putting together for you (my friends and family) to see what I will be doing this summer in France/Europe. For those of you who didn't really know that I was leaving, here are my plans. I will be leaving Montana May 18 and getting back August 14. The first two weeks I will be spending time with my dad, step-mom, brother, and other family in Marseille which is southern France. Then my family will leave and I will head to a town called Chambéry, which is located in the Alps. Here is where I will start a six week course at the Université de Savoie. During the six weeks I will get many opportunities to travel in France, Switzerland, and Italy. After my French classes are done I will be heading to LeRucher to do some missionary/volunteer work. This is a retreat center for missionaries and I will be working on the grounds doing some cleaning, yard work, painting, and anything else they need help with. After my time there, I have a few days to go to whatever country I want to but I'm not sure which one yet. Then to finish off the summer, my mom will arrive in Paris and we will be touring around France mostly going to the Loire Valley and Normandy.

Getting ready to go has been challenging and stressful but very exciting! The thing that I am most looking forward to this summer is experiencing a whole new culture and meeting new friends. When I come back, I hope to be a changed person for the better and use the things that I learn from this experience in my everyday life. I would like to ask for some prayer on meeting other Christians while I am there and being able to enter into a community.

Don't forget I am leaving in two weeks so my phone will be off for all of summer and the best way to get a hold of me is Facebook, Email, Skype, or Facetime. I can't wait to share with you all about my experiences that I have. I just ask that you bare with me on my writing abilities! I will be posting photos.


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