Thursday, June 27, 2013

An Extreme Week

The end of week four of french class is around the corner and half of the students head back to their home countries. I only have three more weeks of class here in Chambéry. Man has my time here gone by really fast but only because I am enjoying every single moment of it. I really am torn about how I am excited to finish classes and go do my mission work but I am not excited to leave the amazing town of Chambéry and all of my friends. But I don’t want to think about that yet, lets talk about what has happened this week so far!

Monday I was supposed to go canyoning but it ended up getting canceled again because of the weather. It got rescheduled for next week so hopefully the weather will be nice and we will go. Tuesday a group of us made our way to a local dairy farm by taking the bus and then walking up a hill. It was a beautiful walk and I forced myself to only talk in French with everyone. When we got to the farm, we learned about how the farm operates and how it compares to America. It was so weird to see cows that are only used to milk and not to eat! But I took advantage of the situation and learned as much about farm life in France. I got to milk the cows and taste the milk. The milk I tasted was not pasteurized so that was a first for me but it tasted amazing! My friend Nora was super excited about being on a farm and seeing a cow from up close. It was great to experience that with her. Here are a few photos.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I did something crazy...I went paragliding. I know it sounds kind of extreme but man I was going to do it no matter what. The opportunity came and why not do it in France in the Alpes! So I watched a few people take off and it didn’t look to hard. Next thing I knew I was strapped up, attached to the instructor, running forward, and letting the wind take us off into the air. WOW! What a beautiful site of the mountains and the valley below. I could see all the way to Italy! I was told that I was about 1000 meters off the ground below. I am surprised by how much it wasn’t really an adrenaline rush but more of a relaxing time. My instructor let me take control of the flight and taught me how to turn left and right. But sadly after that my motion sickness kicked in and I started not to feel good. Thankfully we were almost done with the flight. I believe I was up in the air flying for about 15 minutes! It was such an amazing experience but I will have to say that I probably will never do it again because of my motion sickness. Here are some photos that I took while in the air.

Tonight I am heading off to a going away party for some of the students in my program. Tomorrow, I leave with four other friends to go to Milan, Italy for the weekend. I am super excited for this! Thank you everyone and hope you are doing well!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Am I in Montana??

Hello everyone! I am trying to get better at writing more regularly on the blog. But once again this week has been full of adventures and laughter so it has taken me all the way to Sunday write this post. This week I did a lot of things around the town that I live in, Chambéry. My friend Nora and I made a check list of things to see such as the Museum and the Castle. On Wednesday, I walked with a group of people to a house that Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived at for a while. It was a very nice, long walk up a hill but peace greeted us when we walked through the house and the gardens. Again, I got to have some deep conversations with friends. It was here that I realized how much the Bible is really important to me and how I really LIKE reading the Bible. I really enjoy this place in Chambéry and I hope to walk there a few more times before I leave. Here is a photo of the place.

Friday was a national holiday, Fête de la musique. This holiday is equivalent to a music festival but on a larger scale. Every village, town, and city showcases their local talent on the streets. So around 7 I left my apartment with a few girls and we just walked around till like 11:30 listening to all types of music. There was rock and roll, blues, American classics, salsa dancing, drumming, and much more. It was a great evening full of laughter. This is the second time I got to celebrate this holiday in France. The last time I got to see it was when I was in Paris with my classmates from high school.

This Saturday I got to make a day trip to Italy! It took about three hours on bus to get to Turino. It was really nice to be in Italy again. I really forgot how I like Italy but how much I hate not knowing how to speak the language of a country. While I was there I saw many beautiful churches and buildings while walking around. I made it to the Egyptian Museum that explained tons of Egyptian history such as religious customs and every day life. I got to see some real mummies which was creepy! There were a few times when I just had to pray that the Holy Spirit would be in the room because of all the statues of gods that surrounded me made me feel at ease. I was just hoping and praying that the place would stir up some emotions towards God. Next we made our way to the Museum of the Shroud. You may not know what the Shroud is but it is some believed to be evidence of Jesus Christ. It has been around since the 15th century in the Catholic church. I learned a lot about it and saw some pretty famous replicas because the real thing is only shown to the public every ten years or so. I would explain more but its just to hard to do over writing. A cool fact though is that the Shroud was given to the Savoie family while they were living in Chambéry (the town I live in). It was kept in the chapel at the castle in Chambéry and this is where the Shroud got most of its damage by a fire that started. It was very cool to learn this fact! Here are some photos of the day.

So on Sunday I wake up all ready to go hiking up to the Croix de Nivolet which is a cross on top of a mountain that is visible from all of Chambéry. I have been looking forward to this for a long time but then it gets postponed to a few hours later because the weather is kinda icky. The clouds were covering all of the mountain so we wouldn’t be able to see the cross or any views. So my friend Kayla and I decided to go to church even though we would get there late and need to leave a bit early. What a great turn of events. Church was once again amazing and God opened my eyes and heart to more new things. After church was over, we ended taking a gamble on the weather and went up to the cross. The hike was about an hour to the cross and the whole time it was complete clouds with a clearing every once and a while. But when we got up there and after blowing at the clouds a few times, it cleared up and we got an amazing view of the area below. You could see lakes and cities and other mountains. Dare I say it again, but I felt like I was in Montana (except way more population). Then we went to the first ski resort ever in the Alpes, Le Revard. It was full of more beautiful views!! Here are a few photos from this day.

It was a great week and I have lots more ahead of me! I hope all is well with everyone and thank you for following me!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I've Been Here for a Month??

I just realized that I have been in Europe for a month now. This really surprises me because it feels like yesterday when I was preparing for this enormous trip by packing and repacking my bags, by buying all the necessary things, and filling out endless paperwork. So with one month done, this means I have two more months to go and there are so many more adventures that I will be taking in this two months. But lets talk about this last week. Sorry once again for taking so long on posting about my days but this last week was once again a busy week!

Last Tuesday, after going to class in the morning, I jumped on the train with four others and we headed to Grenoble, France. Right before we left, someone had told us that Grenoble was quite boring and that its really not a great place to go to. So I was a little hesitant when we got off the train but I was once again enchanted by the Alpes that surrounded the city (even though they were kinda hard to see because of all the buildings). In the middle of the city there is a hill with a fortress on it so we jumped on the oeufs (a lift that look like eggs) that brought us to the highest part of the city. What a beautiful view that we got of the surrounding city and mountains. While goofing around and enjoying each other's company, we explored the Bastille's caves and grounds. It was a beautiful day to sit and look at the snow-capped mountains. I could do that forever here! After descending down the hill, we walked around the town for a bit just people watching and enjoying each other's company. The French people have an awesome word for doing just so, flâner. Here are a few photos from this amazing day!

On Wednesday I went to Abbaye d’Hautecombe which is a nunnery in the area. To get there we took the train to a town called Aix-les-bains and then jumped on a boat. We were on the lake for about 30 minutes and it was beautiful! The sun was shining down on the lake with the amazingly green mountains in the background. I felt like I was in Montana once again. We got to the Abbaye and toured the church that is there. The church was just beautiful. Most of the duke family of the Savoie region rest there in tombs. It was a very peaceful place and you could feel the respect from everyone in the building. After this I ended up buying a Bible for infants in the French language. I know its kind of silly but I absolutely love this book! I had one very similar to it when I was little. Here are some photos from this day.

Thursday was extremely HOT! So after classes a big group of us jumped on the bus and went to the lake. We just sat out in the sun and walked into the lake for a little bit. This was great for me to get to know more people in the group and talk about anything and everything. Friday, I didn’t really do much other than just rest. It had been a really busy week and I wanted to be all energized for the weekend.

So my Saturday adventure began with a 7 am train ride to Avignon via Lyon. For this trip I went with my new friends Mai, Erin, Adam, and Stewart. We are definitely all very different but we got along very well. The second leg of my train ride was very interesting. Mai and I crammed into a spot by these guys who were talking. I didn’t notice until I got all situated but the two men sitting across from us were wearing the unmistakeable outfit of Mormon missionaries. So of course I begin to listen in to their conversation that they were having with this French man. They were speaking in French but I had understood their conversation about religion and joined in a bit myself. Then this French girl, Claire, came over and joined in our conversation. After a little while the conversation died down and I began to talk to the Mormon guys. Next thing I knew I looked over and the French guy was laying out the Gospel to Claire and my Japanese friend, Mai. WOW! That was one of the coolest and most Spirit-filled explanation of why God sent Jesus to Earth. I ask for prayer that this really stirred up some emotions and thoughts for Claire and Mai and that God keeps on putting people in their lives to show them more of HIS love!

Next thing I knew we were in Avignon which is known for the Pope’s Palace. Back in the day there were a number of popes that lived in France and this is where they lived at. The building was very old but at the same time had an elegant feeling to it. I really enjoyed learning history of this place. After spending a few hours in this building, we headed to Pont d’Avignon which is a bridge found in this city that was also built in the same time frame as the Palace. Of course, here are a few photos of the long, hot day!

And then came my most favorite day since being here! Sunday, I got to go to the church that I found a month before coming here. This church is not just a church I found through the internet, it was a church that kind of fell in to my lap after praying for a long time on finding a church here while I am in France. I invited my friend Kayla who we had talked before about our faith. We were a little nervous walking in, not being quite sure of what the service would look like. But God came through a thousand times than what we were expecting. I hadn’t had a time of worship like that in what seems like months! Something about worshipping in a different language and more specifically in French. I felt like the French words explained my heart towards the Lord so much better than English could. The lovely and romantic language helped me express my love for my Father in a way that was easy and effortless. After service, Kayla and I got to talk about what Jesus is teaching us in this moment and our struggles that we have. God definitely answered my prayers that I have been praying for a long time now.

I really miss all of you guys back at home. I cannot wait for next semester and all of the cool things that God is going to do in our lives. Something that has changed since I've been here...I get up earlier than needed so I can spend some quiet time drinking coffee, eating BREAKFAST, and a bit of worship! I must adapt this to when I get back to MT.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Friends Found in France

I realize that is has been over a week since I posted on the blog but I have been tired every single night when I want to write it. Also my internet is just horrible here in my apartment so its hard to upload the post to my blog. Last Monday I started my French classes at the University. The class I am taking is not too challenging but I am learning a lot of new vocabulary and getting more opportunities to speak French to others. I have classes Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm with a break. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to the University and it is mostly all up hill so I get an awesome view of the town.

Usually after class, I walk home and make myself some lunch. Then I either walk around the town with friends or have some alone time with God. I have had some great times in prayer and learning more and more what God has in store for me while I am here in France. I haven't had the chance to go to church yet on Sunday because of trips that I have been taking but I am hoping this Sunday I will make it. Something that has kind of surprised me is the friendships that I have made. After a week, my friendships have become pretty strong and I have gotten a handfull of opportunities already to hang out in a community over dinner. On Monday, I met a girl named Mai from Japan and she invited me and a few others to go to dinner at her friend's place the next night. So on Tuesday night 10 of us Americans/Mexicans showed up to an apartment full of Japanese, French, Colombian, and Russian people. Wow! It was like being at home with my Chi Alpha family. More than 30 people crammed in a two bedroom house all talking and joking around. The only difference was that the common language was French rather than English.

Then the next night, I was invited by my roommate to join her and her friend for an authentic Chinese dinner. I was really nervous when the dinner began considering that I could not pronounce/remember either of their names for the life of me but after we began eating (AMAZING SPICY FOOD) I relaxed. We talked about ourselves and the differences between France, United States, and China. Then what felt like out of the blue, they ask me "Tu crois en Dieu?" which is do you believe in God. The question threw me back by surprise but I began to tell them (in French) why I believe in God and why I am a Christian. It was a great moment for me to share my passion in a direct way.

On Thursday I went canoeing on a lake and it was beautiful. I felt like I was in Montana, swimming in the cold Flathead Lake but surrounded by very GREEN mountains. I was able to enjoy the sunny weather and the company that was around me. As most of us know, something about an adventure shared between people always brings them together. I began to meet some of the other people in my program that isn't "in" the first group of people that I met and hang out with. So this experience has helped me to branch out and take hold of the opportunity of meeting even more new people.

The next adventure was on Saturday to Geneva, Switzerland. We left in the morning for a day trip. There were many things to do in Geneva and I wish I could have spent at least another day there but I guess that can be saved for future trips. Geneva is located on a lake so it is a beautiful town. The first thing you see is the Jet d'Eau which is a big huge "water fountain" that sprays water up from the lake continually at a very high height. For some crazy reason we walked out to it and got wet but was worth seeing it up close. Next we walked around the park for a while finding cool things such as a clock made out of flowers and a beautiful gazebo. After finding and eating some lunch, me and two other friends broke off from the group and looked around the huge Cathedral found in the town. This church definitely had its own flare to it by being very simple on the inside but just completely gorgeous on the outside. Finally the three of us made our long trek all the way across town to the United Nations Palace. About 45 minutes later we get there and they tell us the next tour is at 4 and it takes about an hour for the tour. Well we decided that we could get back to the bus by 5:30 so we hung out till the tour started. During the tour we got to hear lots of history of the UN and League of Nations. We learned about what countries funded what parts of the building and the philosophy behind each room, painting, and decoration. But then the tour got done at 5:15. We were for sure going to be late but we ran to the tram hoping to catch one but I ended up borrowing a phone and called our "guide". Thankfully the bus picked us up there. So Geneva will always have a special memory for me because of the one time that I was late while traveling was here. Here are some photos of the city.

Flower Clock
Jet d'Eau
In front of UN
Ceiling of room in UN

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to Chartreuse. You probably haven’t heard of it...I hadn’t either. But it is a monastery found in the French mountains close to where I live. What a beautiful area. I can see why monks would want to spend there time in solitude with God in His amazing creation! I was so stunned by the peace and serenity that I felt while walking around the area. We weren’t in the present monastery but we did go around the old monastery that was created into a museum. I learned so much about monks and I even learned a few things that I would like to apply to my own life when it comes to prayer and spending time with God. After a beautiful hike full of great conversation that God definitely provided we went into town to where the Chartreuse liquor is made by the monks (or used to be made, not sure if they still do). I tasted all the different kinds and they were disgusting! But learning the history of the area was a day I will never forget. God definitely confirmed that He created me to be around community. I could not go without being around people. Here are some more photos.

Well this week is going to be full of more adventures and strengthening friendships. I look forward to all that is to come planned and unplanned. I ask for prayer on continuing the sense of urgency when it comes to prayer. I had some revelation last week in prayer and I am hoping that God keeps on giving me more vision of what my role will look like next semester (my last at the University of Montana) in Chi Alpha (my campus ministries). I will tell you more about it when it becomes more detailed and set in stone in my heart. I hope you have a lovely week! Sending my love from France!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

NOW the Adventure Begins

Good morning world! Right now I am sitting in my apartment that I will be living at for six weeks in Chambéry, France. I made my first cup of instant coffee, YUCK! But there isn't a coffee maker here so it will have to do. And this morning I went on a run with one of the other girls that is in the program. I am wanting to run every morning but I'll see how that goes. But lets back up to a few days ago.

I was in Bern, Switzerland with my brother for two days. This area of Switzerland was much different than Lausanne because everything was mostly in German and all the buildings had a huge German influence. It was like a completely different country than the last town we had been in. After spending time in Switzerland and talking to a few people I had discovered that the Swiss people are very unique. They are very accepting and open minded to the world. I really admire this quality but then I start wondering how do I be open minded but at the same time stick to my Father that I never want to leave. I mean that I can't be too close minded and stick to what I think is right. The Jewish leaders of Jesus' time did that and they missed out on something pretty big...the Son of God. But then I get super worried that if I am too open-minded that I will start falling away from God because of the alluring aspects of the world. I am still praying and thinking about it but I have came to somewhat of a conclusion that I just need to trust myself as a Christian and trust the Holy Spirit that lives in me to help me through temptations as long as I stay honest and go right to God. Anyways, while in Bern, my brother and I walked around ALOT and we saw bears in a 'zoo', huge gardens, and amazing views of the mountains, the river, and the town.

On Friday, we parted ways and I was officially 'on my own'. I admit that I was a little overwhelmed but after a good cry, some prayer, and a Skype date with my mom, I felt so much better. Then we get back to me moving into my apartment. It went very smoothly and I have met a lot of girls already. I went grocery shopping and FINALLY cooked my own meal using the stove and everything. It feels really good to unpack and have my own area. Today we are off to tour around the town and then have a picnic by the lake. Its been super overcast lately but hopefully it will get sunny soon! Here are some photos of my room.

I do want to ask for some prayer about my spiritual time with God. I am having a hard time with silence specially here because in the silence I feel completely isolated and alone. So I just ask that you help me pray about using the silence to listen to God and that the devil won't use it against me. Thank you!