Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I've Been Here for a Month??

I just realized that I have been in Europe for a month now. This really surprises me because it feels like yesterday when I was preparing for this enormous trip by packing and repacking my bags, by buying all the necessary things, and filling out endless paperwork. So with one month done, this means I have two more months to go and there are so many more adventures that I will be taking in this two months. But lets talk about this last week. Sorry once again for taking so long on posting about my days but this last week was once again a busy week!

Last Tuesday, after going to class in the morning, I jumped on the train with four others and we headed to Grenoble, France. Right before we left, someone had told us that Grenoble was quite boring and that its really not a great place to go to. So I was a little hesitant when we got off the train but I was once again enchanted by the Alpes that surrounded the city (even though they were kinda hard to see because of all the buildings). In the middle of the city there is a hill with a fortress on it so we jumped on the oeufs (a lift that look like eggs) that brought us to the highest part of the city. What a beautiful view that we got of the surrounding city and mountains. While goofing around and enjoying each other's company, we explored the Bastille's caves and grounds. It was a beautiful day to sit and look at the snow-capped mountains. I could do that forever here! After descending down the hill, we walked around the town for a bit just people watching and enjoying each other's company. The French people have an awesome word for doing just so, flâner. Here are a few photos from this amazing day!

On Wednesday I went to Abbaye d’Hautecombe which is a nunnery in the area. To get there we took the train to a town called Aix-les-bains and then jumped on a boat. We were on the lake for about 30 minutes and it was beautiful! The sun was shining down on the lake with the amazingly green mountains in the background. I felt like I was in Montana once again. We got to the Abbaye and toured the church that is there. The church was just beautiful. Most of the duke family of the Savoie region rest there in tombs. It was a very peaceful place and you could feel the respect from everyone in the building. After this I ended up buying a Bible for infants in the French language. I know its kind of silly but I absolutely love this book! I had one very similar to it when I was little. Here are some photos from this day.

Thursday was extremely HOT! So after classes a big group of us jumped on the bus and went to the lake. We just sat out in the sun and walked into the lake for a little bit. This was great for me to get to know more people in the group and talk about anything and everything. Friday, I didn’t really do much other than just rest. It had been a really busy week and I wanted to be all energized for the weekend.

So my Saturday adventure began with a 7 am train ride to Avignon via Lyon. For this trip I went with my new friends Mai, Erin, Adam, and Stewart. We are definitely all very different but we got along very well. The second leg of my train ride was very interesting. Mai and I crammed into a spot by these guys who were talking. I didn’t notice until I got all situated but the two men sitting across from us were wearing the unmistakeable outfit of Mormon missionaries. So of course I begin to listen in to their conversation that they were having with this French man. They were speaking in French but I had understood their conversation about religion and joined in a bit myself. Then this French girl, Claire, came over and joined in our conversation. After a little while the conversation died down and I began to talk to the Mormon guys. Next thing I knew I looked over and the French guy was laying out the Gospel to Claire and my Japanese friend, Mai. WOW! That was one of the coolest and most Spirit-filled explanation of why God sent Jesus to Earth. I ask for prayer that this really stirred up some emotions and thoughts for Claire and Mai and that God keeps on putting people in their lives to show them more of HIS love!

Next thing I knew we were in Avignon which is known for the Pope’s Palace. Back in the day there were a number of popes that lived in France and this is where they lived at. The building was very old but at the same time had an elegant feeling to it. I really enjoyed learning history of this place. After spending a few hours in this building, we headed to Pont d’Avignon which is a bridge found in this city that was also built in the same time frame as the Palace. Of course, here are a few photos of the long, hot day!

And then came my most favorite day since being here! Sunday, I got to go to the church that I found a month before coming here. This church is not just a church I found through the internet, it was a church that kind of fell in to my lap after praying for a long time on finding a church here while I am in France. I invited my friend Kayla who we had talked before about our faith. We were a little nervous walking in, not being quite sure of what the service would look like. But God came through a thousand times than what we were expecting. I hadn’t had a time of worship like that in what seems like months! Something about worshipping in a different language and more specifically in French. I felt like the French words explained my heart towards the Lord so much better than English could. The lovely and romantic language helped me express my love for my Father in a way that was easy and effortless. After service, Kayla and I got to talk about what Jesus is teaching us in this moment and our struggles that we have. God definitely answered my prayers that I have been praying for a long time now.

I really miss all of you guys back at home. I cannot wait for next semester and all of the cool things that God is going to do in our lives. Something that has changed since I've been here...I get up earlier than needed so I can spend some quiet time drinking coffee, eating BREAKFAST, and a bit of worship! I must adapt this to when I get back to MT.


  1. I cant believe you have been gone a month. We miss you so but don't hurry home, enjoy all the time you can there. What an exciting way to spend your summer.

  2. I am enjoying every part of it :) its the best summer yet!
