Monday, June 10, 2013

Friends Found in France

I realize that is has been over a week since I posted on the blog but I have been tired every single night when I want to write it. Also my internet is just horrible here in my apartment so its hard to upload the post to my blog. Last Monday I started my French classes at the University. The class I am taking is not too challenging but I am learning a lot of new vocabulary and getting more opportunities to speak French to others. I have classes Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm with a break. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to the University and it is mostly all up hill so I get an awesome view of the town.

Usually after class, I walk home and make myself some lunch. Then I either walk around the town with friends or have some alone time with God. I have had some great times in prayer and learning more and more what God has in store for me while I am here in France. I haven't had the chance to go to church yet on Sunday because of trips that I have been taking but I am hoping this Sunday I will make it. Something that has kind of surprised me is the friendships that I have made. After a week, my friendships have become pretty strong and I have gotten a handfull of opportunities already to hang out in a community over dinner. On Monday, I met a girl named Mai from Japan and she invited me and a few others to go to dinner at her friend's place the next night. So on Tuesday night 10 of us Americans/Mexicans showed up to an apartment full of Japanese, French, Colombian, and Russian people. Wow! It was like being at home with my Chi Alpha family. More than 30 people crammed in a two bedroom house all talking and joking around. The only difference was that the common language was French rather than English.

Then the next night, I was invited by my roommate to join her and her friend for an authentic Chinese dinner. I was really nervous when the dinner began considering that I could not pronounce/remember either of their names for the life of me but after we began eating (AMAZING SPICY FOOD) I relaxed. We talked about ourselves and the differences between France, United States, and China. Then what felt like out of the blue, they ask me "Tu crois en Dieu?" which is do you believe in God. The question threw me back by surprise but I began to tell them (in French) why I believe in God and why I am a Christian. It was a great moment for me to share my passion in a direct way.

On Thursday I went canoeing on a lake and it was beautiful. I felt like I was in Montana, swimming in the cold Flathead Lake but surrounded by very GREEN mountains. I was able to enjoy the sunny weather and the company that was around me. As most of us know, something about an adventure shared between people always brings them together. I began to meet some of the other people in my program that isn't "in" the first group of people that I met and hang out with. So this experience has helped me to branch out and take hold of the opportunity of meeting even more new people.

The next adventure was on Saturday to Geneva, Switzerland. We left in the morning for a day trip. There were many things to do in Geneva and I wish I could have spent at least another day there but I guess that can be saved for future trips. Geneva is located on a lake so it is a beautiful town. The first thing you see is the Jet d'Eau which is a big huge "water fountain" that sprays water up from the lake continually at a very high height. For some crazy reason we walked out to it and got wet but was worth seeing it up close. Next we walked around the park for a while finding cool things such as a clock made out of flowers and a beautiful gazebo. After finding and eating some lunch, me and two other friends broke off from the group and looked around the huge Cathedral found in the town. This church definitely had its own flare to it by being very simple on the inside but just completely gorgeous on the outside. Finally the three of us made our long trek all the way across town to the United Nations Palace. About 45 minutes later we get there and they tell us the next tour is at 4 and it takes about an hour for the tour. Well we decided that we could get back to the bus by 5:30 so we hung out till the tour started. During the tour we got to hear lots of history of the UN and League of Nations. We learned about what countries funded what parts of the building and the philosophy behind each room, painting, and decoration. But then the tour got done at 5:15. We were for sure going to be late but we ran to the tram hoping to catch one but I ended up borrowing a phone and called our "guide". Thankfully the bus picked us up there. So Geneva will always have a special memory for me because of the one time that I was late while traveling was here. Here are some photos of the city.

Flower Clock
Jet d'Eau
In front of UN
Ceiling of room in UN

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to Chartreuse. You probably haven’t heard of it...I hadn’t either. But it is a monastery found in the French mountains close to where I live. What a beautiful area. I can see why monks would want to spend there time in solitude with God in His amazing creation! I was so stunned by the peace and serenity that I felt while walking around the area. We weren’t in the present monastery but we did go around the old monastery that was created into a museum. I learned so much about monks and I even learned a few things that I would like to apply to my own life when it comes to prayer and spending time with God. After a beautiful hike full of great conversation that God definitely provided we went into town to where the Chartreuse liquor is made by the monks (or used to be made, not sure if they still do). I tasted all the different kinds and they were disgusting! But learning the history of the area was a day I will never forget. God definitely confirmed that He created me to be around community. I could not go without being around people. Here are some more photos.

Well this week is going to be full of more adventures and strengthening friendships. I look forward to all that is to come planned and unplanned. I ask for prayer on continuing the sense of urgency when it comes to prayer. I had some revelation last week in prayer and I am hoping that God keeps on giving me more vision of what my role will look like next semester (my last at the University of Montana) in Chi Alpha (my campus ministries). I will tell you more about it when it becomes more detailed and set in stone in my heart. I hope you have a lovely week! Sending my love from France!


  1. What a great week. I so love all the pictures and hearing of your adventure.

  2. Thanks for posting Mariah! Love reading your blog! Glad to know your safe and really taking advantage of your time there. You certainly are blessed!

    1. Thanks Katie :) I definitely do feel blessed to do all of these things and at the same time I am able to enjoy friends!
