Sunday, June 2, 2013

NOW the Adventure Begins

Good morning world! Right now I am sitting in my apartment that I will be living at for six weeks in Chambéry, France. I made my first cup of instant coffee, YUCK! But there isn't a coffee maker here so it will have to do. And this morning I went on a run with one of the other girls that is in the program. I am wanting to run every morning but I'll see how that goes. But lets back up to a few days ago.

I was in Bern, Switzerland with my brother for two days. This area of Switzerland was much different than Lausanne because everything was mostly in German and all the buildings had a huge German influence. It was like a completely different country than the last town we had been in. After spending time in Switzerland and talking to a few people I had discovered that the Swiss people are very unique. They are very accepting and open minded to the world. I really admire this quality but then I start wondering how do I be open minded but at the same time stick to my Father that I never want to leave. I mean that I can't be too close minded and stick to what I think is right. The Jewish leaders of Jesus' time did that and they missed out on something pretty big...the Son of God. But then I get super worried that if I am too open-minded that I will start falling away from God because of the alluring aspects of the world. I am still praying and thinking about it but I have came to somewhat of a conclusion that I just need to trust myself as a Christian and trust the Holy Spirit that lives in me to help me through temptations as long as I stay honest and go right to God. Anyways, while in Bern, my brother and I walked around ALOT and we saw bears in a 'zoo', huge gardens, and amazing views of the mountains, the river, and the town.

On Friday, we parted ways and I was officially 'on my own'. I admit that I was a little overwhelmed but after a good cry, some prayer, and a Skype date with my mom, I felt so much better. Then we get back to me moving into my apartment. It went very smoothly and I have met a lot of girls already. I went grocery shopping and FINALLY cooked my own meal using the stove and everything. It feels really good to unpack and have my own area. Today we are off to tour around the town and then have a picnic by the lake. Its been super overcast lately but hopefully it will get sunny soon! Here are some photos of my room.

I do want to ask for some prayer about my spiritual time with God. I am having a hard time with silence specially here because in the silence I feel completely isolated and alone. So I just ask that you help me pray about using the silence to listen to God and that the devil won't use it against me. Thank you!


  1. Do you have a view from your window? Do you have any outdoor space?

    1. I do have a view from my window...its of a building but behind it peaks out the mountains :) There is not an outdoor space for this building but we are a block away from the park. The one right behind that big huge white building. (I can't remember the name).
